My Reflection tfws13

For my class project we had to present five slides each on our respected topic.  My group’s project was safety regarding Web 2.0.  Below I talked about one specific slide that I thought really represented my topic well.  We also had to talk about what we learned over the past few weeks.  I learned so much about safety on the internet. I also learned that there are advantages as well as disadvantages to web 2.0 regarding our safety.

A Walk Through A Slidepic

Slide number four of my five slides represented how social media sites play important roles when trying to find out stuff that has happened around the world.  My example was the tragedy that happened in Boston.  I chose to use a Pray for Boston picture because that was the first thing I read on my Twitter Feed.  I obviously knew something was wrong after reading that. So I turned on the news to find out more information.  I thought it was a good picture to use because it was a horrific tragedy and we shouldn’t forget what has happened.  I cited Jamie Bartlett’s article, “Is Twitter a Good Source of Breaking News” because I thought it directly related to what I was trying to say.  I think social media can tell you a lot of things, and especially now people are tweeting about current events, keeping you updated.  My five slide presentations were about the benefits of web 2.0 has on your safety.  So keeping updated with current events and where your loved ones are through social media can definitely benefit your safety.  It keeps you clued in on what’s happening and where.  I don’t think I would have done anything different I thought the citation that I used fit perfectly to the point I was trying to get across.

What I Learned about my Blog Topic

My group’s topic was safety regarding Web 2.0.  Throughout the last few weeks I found out even more about what it means to be safe on the internet. Although not all of the readings directly related to safety it was easy to connect them. That is because the web can benefit your safety or harm it and I found that out through the readings.  One article that showed a benefit towards your safety was Vannevar Bush’s article “As We May Think”, he states a great point I brought up in my presentation, “Science has provided the swiftest communication between individuals”.  I said that sending and receiving information can benefit us especially when a disaster strikes.  We have the technology to know what’s going on miles away from us.  So I learned from this course that there are some advantages but there also are disadvantages to web 2.0.  After watching Gaylor’s video, “RiP! A Remix Manifesto” I was confused about the rules of copyright.  It got me thinking about the pictures we put up on our social media sites.  They are never truly protected or on a privacy setting.  After googling myself there were my social networking profile pictures on there. I know I have them on private so I was confused as to why they were on Google for anyone to see and take.  I learned that once a picture or anything is on the web it is never really gone. So when managing your profiles just be smart about what pictures you put up.  Try not to put anything too personal because somehow someone you don’t know will eventually see it.

Click Here is Bush’s article.  And Click here for Gaylor’s video.


Food For Thought

With recent events taken place Bush’s article really got me thinking, hence his title.  I started to think hard about one point that he htwitter-logo-hashtagad made. He states,  “Science has provided the swiftest communication between individuals; it has provided a record of ideas and has enabled man to manipulate and to make extracts from that record so that knowledge evolves and endures throughout the life of a race rather than that of an individual.”  Today’s technology is extremely fast.  I can tweet or post a picture on Instagram in a matter of seconds for all of my friends to see.  I feel as though social networking sites on the internet are updated so quickly that they are vital in emergencies.  For example, the recent tragedy that took place in Boston was absolutely boston-candlehorrifying.  The way that I found out about it was through my Twitter timeline. Moments after the explosions took place my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram were all reading “Prayers for Boston.”  After scrolling through I obviously knew that something bad has happened, so I turned on the news.  I feel as though I find out most of the important news through social networking sites. They have become vital in relaying information across the world during devastating times.  Since I had friends that were in Boston during the tragedy it was a relief to know they were okay after reading their Facebooks.  They updated their statuses letting people know that they were okay and safe in doors.

So as I was reading the countless status updates and Twitter posts it dawned on me.  How would the playing fields be different if our technology was so advanced 12 years ago? 12 years ago devastation struck America when the Twin Towers were destroyed.  I remember the day although I was only in third grade.  Imagine if Facebook, Twitter, Instgram, or just the internet in general was as popular as it is today?  Could the people on the planes tweeted their friends and family to let them know what was happening, we do have airplane modes on cellphones.  Could a warning been posted moments before the event took place? Or how about the people in New York posting a Facebook status to let their loved ones know that they were okay after the fact.  It’s scary to think about when it’s put like that, isn’t it? Regardless, I am thankful for the technology evolving everyday.  I love how I can instantly check what is going on in the world on a social networking website. I personally think that relaying and receiving information that quickly is vital in today’s fast paced world. 911_NeverForget


Click here to read more from Bush’s article.